The Federal Trade Commission requires that I disclose the nature of my blog advertising and my relationship with the manufacturer or seller of any product that I endorse on this blog. My policies for reviews and endorsements are as follows:

  1. This is a business blog written by JKConditioning staff.
  2. I do participate in various forms of advertising, including Amazon Affiliates and affiliate programs with other strength and conditioning coaches. I review all products that I share on my blog to ensure it meets my personal standards. Earnings made via these sources help me to justify the considerable time and effort that I put into writing this blog, and your support is much appreciated!
  3. No manufacturer or seller of a product will influence the form or outcome of any review that I write on a particular product (ebook). I strive to write reviews that are both honest and thorough, and I only endorse products that I genuinely feel will be of benefit to my readers.

Privacy Policy

JKConditioning Inc. – Policy Respecting Your Privacy and the Protection of Personal Information

JKConditioning takes steps to ensure it meets privacy principles and requirements with respect to personal information under applicable Canadian privacy legislation. The purpose of this policy is to inform our customers and other individuals we deal with (“you” and “your”) how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information. Personal information is information that is identifiable as pertaining to an individual, as more particularly described under applicable privacy legislation. This policy applies to our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information in Canada.

Personal Information We Collect

We collect certain types of personal information and do so in a number of methods, such as:

  • Contact information, such as name, title, address, telephone number, facsimile, or e-mail address, which may be collected through our online intake form.

Your Consent

  • We collect, use and disclose your personal information with your consent, except as permitted or required by law. Consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information may be given by you in various ways. Consent can be express (for example, orally, electronically, or on a form you may sign describing the intended uses and disclosures of personal information), or implied (for example, when you provide information necessary for a service you have requested, or in some circumstances where notice has been provided to you about our intentions with respect to your personal information and you have not withdrawn your consent for an identified purpose, such as by using an “opt-out” option provided). Consent may be given by your authorized representative (such as a legal guardian or a person having a power of attorney). Generally, by providing us with personal information, we will assume that you consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of such information for the purposes identified or as described in this privacy policy, if applicable, or otherwise at the time of collection. You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information at any time, subject to contractual and legal restrictions and reasonable notice.
  • We may be required or permitted under statute or regulation to collect, use, or disclose personal information without your consent, for example, to comply with a court order, to comply with local, provincial, or federal regulations or a legally permitted inquiry by a government agency, or to collect a debt owed to us.

Use of Your Personal Information

We generally use your personal information to:

  • evaluate your application and determine your initial and ongoing eligibility for our programs and services;
  • provide an email newsletter to update you on current ongoings with our company and services.

JKConditioning will NEVER sell your personal information to a third party.

Our Website and the Internet

We operate the website, which provides information about our services. Personal information provided by you online is used to respond to your inquiries and fulfill your requests.

Our internet servers may passively and automatically collect certain information about Web site visitors’ traffic patterns, which may be linked to their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (which are unique Internet “addresses” assigned to all Internet users by their Internet Service Providers). Server logs may record statistical information, such as visitors’ IP addresses, type of operating systems, time and duration of visit, and pages requested, and identify categories of visitors by items such as domains and browser types. These statistics are only collected and used on an aggregate basis.

Our site makes use of cookies. Cookies are small text files offered to your computer by servers in order to keep track of your browser as you navigate the Web site. Cookies may be stored on your hard drive, or in temporary (cache) memory, in which case they are deleted when you shut down your browser or turn off your computer. We may use cookies to store preferences, record session information such as language preferences, develop aggregate information about Web site visitors’ preferences and interests, record past activity at a site in order to provide better service when you return to our site, or customize Web page content based on your browser type or other information you provide. Unless a visitor specifically provides their identity to us (e.g., by providing information through an online form or sending us correspondence from the Web site), cookie information is anonymous and we will not know who the individual visitors are. Information gathered from cookies is only used on an aggregate basis. You can disable cookies using your Internet browser’s settings. Please consult your browser’s help function for information on how to disable cookies. Note: if you disable cookies, certain features of our Web site may not function properly.

Our Web site may contain links to other Web sites that are provided as a convenience only, and which may have different privacy policies and practices than JKConditioning and, accordingly, we have no responsibility for such third-party Web sites, and individuals are advised to review the privacy policies of any third-party Web sites they visit.

Policy Changes

This privacy policy may be revised from time to time. If we materially change our privacy practices, we will take reasonable measures to notify affected individuals of these changes in advance. If our personal information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes on our Web site to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of any new nonessential uses or disclosures of personal information. If you are concerned about how your personal information is used, you should check back at our Web site periodically or contact us as described above to obtain a current copy of this policy.

I am 62 years young and I started training with Jon in 2013. I originally came to join JKC as a recommendation from other family members that were onboard with Jon. Their enthusiasm for the gym experience was quite evident.  I was not to be outdone, so I decided to join as well. JKC, in my mind, certainly stands out from the crowd. I feel it’s a combination of the skill and passion the coaches have for their job and their clients. Each client is treated with the upmost respect and given time to explore their fitness journey without any pressure. JKC is certainly not a cookie cutter gym.The coaches customize your fitness program to suit your needs and your fitness level. This certainly makes sense because no two clients are alike.  This is where JKC excels! Jon, Thomas, and Craig keep the atmosphere at the gym light, but productive. A great combination that obviously works and makes the clients want to come back. Lastly, the camaraderie at the gym is everything. Meeting likeminded people who make you feel you are not alone in your fitness journey is everything.

I heard somewhere that achieving your health goals is determined largely by what you do in the kitchen. I am grateful to have found Julia who brought direction and accountability to this most important piece for me. Having Julia in my corner has brought me confidence and certainty that I am on my way to achieving my goals. I highly recommend her if you are serious about making a change and feeling better about your health.

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I started training at JKC in 2016 because I had built up a number of muscle imbalances from old injuries and activities like rock climbing which had led to some really bad posture and mobility issues. On top of that some friends had convinced me to sign up for a half-ironman. Working with Jon and Thomas was a way to pull my body back into alignment and make sure it wouldn’t fall apart during my race. The staff at JKC pride themselves on continuously advancing their knowledge, which leads to new and inventive way to address problems, old and new. I got my Dad to start training here and recommended JKC to all looking to improve their strength and fitness.

JKC was recommended by a previous trainer who followed Jon online. He thought Jon’s approach to training was excellent. JKC employs well educated trainers who are very particular about technique and form. I have never injured myself because the trainers know what they are doing. They can always answer any questions I ask about my training. As well the trainers are friendly contributing to a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at the gym.

I originally joined JKC because I was anxious about passing out and embarrassing myself since I hadn’t weight trained in a while and I’d hoped to find somewhere sympathetic. My husband @terry_hussey had been training at JKC and his success there made me miss the achievement you feel from a good workout. I went to meet Jon and immediately knew it was going to be a safe space for me. I was never judged for the fears I had and where I was starting from. Jon and Thomas made sure to check on me often, and found a way to challenge me but make me feel secure at the same time, and Terry and I were able to book sessions together, so working out became a shared win for us!

JKC is different from other gyms because of the personal growth you have outside JKC (the sessions inside JKC creates a great positive feedback loop!). You gain self confidence, learn how to show up for yourself, meet a community of newfound friends, and get the support of your trainers who are behind you 100%. I’ve left a scattered workout so proud of myself I’ve honestly shed a tear in the car on the drive home. JKC is the mental health relief valve I need to stay positive, and keep my anxiety and health related fears at bay.

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