personal_trainerIt goes without saying that a well thought out customized training program sits near the top of the list for being successful in your endeavours to looking good naked. Based on your training history, current health and fitness status, previous and/or current injuries and obviously your goals, a trainer or strength coach will design you a personalized program. Having said that, the trainer shouldn’t give you exercises that:

  • a) you couldn’t do,
  • b) add to current areas of pain,
  • c) put you in at-risk positions, and
  • d) take you further away from your goals.

However, there is more to it than what exercises to do in the gym.

The Personal in Personal Training

There are other pieces to the puzzle that are also inherently important when working toward your goals with your health and physique. The phase personal training implies one-on-one training; however, the meaning goes much deeper than that. The personal in personal training more so reflects what you bring to the table.

Improving your current state of health, wellbeing, strength level, energy level and happiness with your naked body takes time, effort and dedication to see results. It also takes a great team. Every time I get a new client, we form what I like to call the dynamic duo.

I can provide the guidance, motivation and awesome programming, but you need to have to these qualities to ensure your road to success isn’t so bumpy.

Here are my top 5 ingredients for success:

1. Drive /drīv/ – To push propel or press onward forcibly – reaching your health and fitness goals requires constant drive and a push in the right direction. A lack of drive can leave you sitting in the dust.

2. Intensity /inˈtensitē/ – Exceptionally great concentration, power, or force – a lack of intensity in the gym will slow your progress toward looking good naked. Leaning over the stepper or lifting too light won’t be enough stimulus to force your body to adapt. The intensity doesn’t have to be over red-line, but you need to feel slightly uncomfortable. Programming recovery sessions and getting 7 to 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep a night are just as important as training at a high intensity, so make sure you have balance.

3. Effort /ˈefərt/ – A vigorous or determined attempt – this is similar to training intensity. Your effort should force your body to change and adapt to the training stimulus. It doesn’t matter what level you’re at or if you have old injuries. Strive for that training effect in every workout. Bring the effort and notice your body change.

4. Discipline /ˈdisəplin/ – Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behaviour, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement – your new pattern of behaviour might be drastically different from the life you’re used to living. Focus on changing one habit at a time so it’s not so daunting. You’ll also be more successful.

5. Consistency /kənˈsistənsē/ – Conformity in the application of something – probably my number one must for progress. Consistent training, consistent nutritional habits, and consistent lifestyle choices will lead to change. Starting and stoping your workout program or eating well for one afternoon and poorly for the next day will not add up to success.

All of my most successful clients have brought qualities 1 though 5. If one’s missing, I’m afraid to say the results haven’t been as pronounced. When signing up with a trainer, coach or class, make sure you’re carrying your end of the deal for maximal results.

Thanks for reading. My intention wasn’t to scare you, but to make you realize, us as trainers, don’t have a magic wand (although that would be very cool!).


I was referred to JKC by my sister-in-law and had heard good things about it from many people in the running community. I also saw Jon’s picture on the wall at lululemon years ago! I really like the personalized training and the variety the guys provide. I started for strength training for running. I love cardio and do tons of it but wasn’t motivated to do much strength work on my own. Jon mixes up my strength work week to week so I don’t get bored but also lets me work in a hard circuit for the last 20 minutes of most sessions to get my cardio fix 

I had spent a fair bit of time in gyms in my teens and twenties but I turned away from the gym to focus on activities that I enjoyed more. What keeps me at JKC is that I do really enjoy it. I always feel that I’ve accomplished something when I leave at the end of my workout. The environment is really positive and focused on challenging yourself whatever your level of comfort and fitness. I’ve also seen results that I’m really happy with; having someone who really knows what they’re talking about to guide your workouts makes them way more effective and focused than just “going to the gym”.

Shortly after I started at JKC, I sustained a fairly major injury that took me off my feet for several months. When I started to get back to activity, it was very difficult. Jon and Thomas worked hard to tailor my workouts to my goals and what I could do. With their help, I’ve been steadily building back strength and function.

I’m 43 and started at JKC just over a year ago. I started at JKC because of multiple recommendations from existing clients. There are 2 main elements that distinguish JKC for me. Firstly the sense of community. I’ve been to multiple gyms in multiple cities/countries, you just  can not manufacture the sense of community and support you get from other gym goers and the team. It’s very motivating and happy to say I’ve made some friends at JKC.

The other major distinguishing factor for JKC is the expertise and passion of the team. Jon, Thomas and Craig craft highly personalized programs based on my fitness goals and know how to push me best without being pushy. They pay close attention to ensuring my form is solid before encouraging me to take on more weight for the exercise. Plain and simple they love what they do and it shows.

I originally joined JKC because I was anxious about passing out and embarrassing myself since I hadn’t weight trained in a while and I’d hoped to find somewhere sympathetic. My husband @terry_hussey had been training at JKC and his success there made me miss the achievement you feel from a good workout. I went to meet Jon and immediately knew it was going to be a safe space for me. I was never judged for the fears I had and where I was starting from. Jon and Thomas made sure to check on me often, and found a way to challenge me but make me feel secure at the same time, and Terry and I were able to book sessions together, so working out became a shared win for us!

JKC is different from other gyms because of the personal growth you have outside JKC (the sessions inside JKC creates a great positive feedback loop!). You gain self confidence, learn how to show up for yourself, meet a community of newfound friends, and get the support of your trainers who are behind you 100%. I’ve left a scattered workout so proud of myself I’ve honestly shed a tear in the car on the drive home. JKC is the mental health relief valve I need to stay positive, and keep my anxiety and health related fears at bay.

log overhead press

I had tried JKC based on the recommendation of a parent of one of my students. I originally started by attending Saturday drop in classes. I was hooked. I decided to join full time when I I had taken a year off from teaching and it was the best thing I have done for myself.

First and foremost the trainers at JKC are extremely knowledgeable. I feel like they are as dedicated to my success as I am. The workouts are tailored to me, my skills and my goals. This is important. Jon and Thomas truly want the best for their clients no matter what level of fitness they are starting from. I also like being able to book a session at a time that suits my schedule. This also helps keep me accountable. Once the session is booked I am not likely to cancel!

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