jon-erik kawamoto personal training

Unfortunately, I have some sad news for you.

Robert Kennedy Publishing, producer and distributor of Oxygen magazine, Reps magazine and MuscleMag has filed for bankruptcy and has closed their doors. As you may know, I was a regular contributor to all of these magazines. In fact, I submitted a training feature on kettlebell training that wasn’t published yet…

I put in a lot of time preparing and writing this article and I was really upset to hear about RKP because I thought this article wouldn’t actually get published.

I went to the best sources I could find (Pavel, Steve Cotter, Brett Jones and Dan John) to get quotes and more information on this training “fad” that just won’t go away.

Luckily, I received the July/August issue of Reps in the mail last week. The article was published! However, I’m not sure it will hit store shelves.

I really wanted this article to be read and shared so I got a jpg of each 2-page spread. I’ve attached it below.

Enjoy the article and please share it with others as it probably will not be seen in stores. Thanks.

jon-erik kawamoto fitness trainer

jon-erik kawamoto fitness coach



NOTE: I was not present at the photo shoot. Some of the exercise pictures in this article are slightly off the technique I use when training with kettlebells. Please read the technique explanation to get a better sense of how to perform each exercise.

photo credit: andrewmalone via photopin cc

I chose JKC because I was looking for something different. I’ve seen and done the trendy workout programs before, I was looking for something that I knew I could see myself still doing a year from now! JKC has a lot of clients that have been going for years. That was a huge motivator for me! The small group coaching sessions are great and I really enjoy the format. It’s nice having 2-4 people working-out with you during your session. The camaraderie is great, everyone is very upbeat and positive – zero gym judgment!

I’ve always been a gym rat, but was getting tired of the same ol’ routine. My better half was attending JKC and encouraged me to try it out. My favourite part of JKC is that is isn’t a gym – it’s a community. Jon and Thomas are awesome, and I love that every time I go I know who’s working out with me and we can socialize while working on our health. Everyone is supportive, encouraging and genuinely looks out for one another. It’s an upbeat and positive experience and I can honestly say that I look forward to each and every workout.

I started training at JKC in 2016 because I’ve always had upper back issues that became aggravated through work. I sought out other training and physio, but experienced little to no results. A client of mine happened to be coming to JKC for a similar issue and highly recommended it. I have had great success and haven’t looked back! I always feel like I’m getting programs tailored to my needs and I’m never bored. I’m 30 weeks pregnant now with my second child and have been able to workout through both pregnancies here at JKC. Even on my least mobile days, I felt safe to workout because my programs were specifically modified for my needs.

I joined JKC because I wanted to better care for my physical health, but didn’t really know how, or where, to begin.  Seeking help from a trainer seemed like a wise choice, and I had heard great things about the staff at JKC. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate exercising.  So, I’ve only ever tried sticking with a gym routine twice in my life.  Each experience consisted of me wandering around, not knowing what to do, and settling for an elliptical machine or something else that seemed comfortable and non-threatening.  Each session was the same, and I felt like I was wasting my time.

Each session at JKC, however, is specifically crafted for me.  I don’t have to think about what to do, because I’m told what to do.  I don’t have to worry about how to do things properly, because I’m shown (sometimes multiple times!) how to accomplish each task.  I don’t have to be concerned about slipping into a comfortable routine, because Jon and Thomas won’t let that happen.

trap bar deadlift

A few of my wonderful friends and colleagues recommended JKC. I was told by one colleague that “It’ll be the best thing you ever do for yourself” and she was right! To be honest, I didn’t have much experience in any gym setting. And NO prior weight training experience. It was always so overwhelming! But from the first day, nothing was intimidating about JKC. Each workout is set up just for me, and with my specific skills and goals in mind. There are no stupid questions, you learn as you go, and what I really love, I always feel included and important, regardless of my skills/experience.

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