injury prevention for runners
Being a strong runner takes more than just logging in the miles every week. It takes hours of dedication doing the supplemental work, which usually involves massage and chiropractic appointments; self massage (self myofascial release) and trigger pointing; various exercises to strengthen the feet, hips, core, and legs; stretching sessions and maybe some yoga; and lastly maybe some contrast bath therapy or walking around your house in compression gear, hoping to speed up recovery.

What ever your “supplemental” work ritual entails, make sure it adds to the bottom line: making you a faster, more efficient, stronger runner.

Build a foundation of strength so your body can handle all the miles.

Remember, you get what you train for. So, running more miles per week or adding in more intense running workouts will make (should make you) a faster runner, to a point. However, sometimes, doing more for the sake of doing more isn’t always a good idea. Every runner is different, but there will be a point where your body will start to feel little niggles from all the pounding. Supplementing your running with strengthening-type exercises should build a more resilient body, capable of handling the pavement. So, challenge yourself by adding in more miles per week or running at a higher intensity a few times per week, but for the sake of your season, add in strength and core training accordingly.

Everyone has a different vision of what type of weight lifting runners should do, whether it’s high rep sets with minimal breaks to low reps with heavier loads and longer breaks. Some think a leg press is better than a squat, while others think a knee extension hits the quads better than a lunge (yes, it burns more, but isn’t optimal). Also, some have no idea, and that’s why you’re reading this blog. I want you to use as a resource for making you a stronger runner (duh!).

I won’t get into the details in this post about what exercises to do and what not to do. Here’s a post where I discuss some great lower body exercises for runners and here’s another where I discuss some of my favourite core exercises for runners.

Remember, build a foundation of strength so your body can handle all the miles.

Run strong and have a good run today,


photo credit: ericmcgregor via photopin cc

I’m 29 and I just had my 3rd Liftiversary šŸ„³ at JKC. I chose to train here because of the great word on the street and the fact that at lululemon, we’re encouraged to support our local community. My day-to-day routine is very busy, and I love showing up and having to think very little about my workout. The vibes are always good, my music choice is usually accommodated, and the bys are incredibly supportive and compassionate, helping me reach my goals (even when I had a broken hand). I also get to be my weird self, and am embraced fully.

Iā€™m 43 and started at JKC just over a year ago. I started at JKC because of multiple recommendations from existing clients. There are 2 main elements that distinguish JKC for me. Firstly the sense of community. Iā€™ve been to multiple gyms in multiple cities/countries, you just Ā can not manufacture the sense of community and support you get from other gym goers and the team. Itā€™s very motivating and happy to say Iā€™ve made some friends at JKC.

The other major distinguishing factor for JKC is the expertise and passion of the team. Jon, Thomas and Craig craft highly personalized programs based on my fitness goals and know how to push me best without being pushy. They pay close attention to ensuring my form is solid before encouraging me to take on more weight for the exercise. Plain and simple they love what they do and it shows.

I originally chose JKC to help me rehab following back surgery. JKC was the first gym where a trainer took the time to help me identify my goals and tailor my workouts to achieve them in a safe and doable manner. šŸ‹šŸ¼Ā Jon & Thomas are both highly professional and knowledgeable.Ā šŸ‘ØšŸ¼ā€šŸŽ“ With their guidance and informative explanationsĀ šŸ—£ they have enabled me to reach my ever evolving goals. At JKC Iā€™m guaranteed funĀ šŸ˜†, interestingĀ šŸ™ƒ and diverseĀ workouts, with Jon & Thomas forever supportive and encouraging. šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ‘Š

log overhead press

I had tried JKC based on the recommendation of a parent of one of my students. I originally started by attending Saturday drop in classes. I was hooked. I decided to join full time when I I had taken a year off from teaching and it was the best thing I have done for myself.

First and foremost the trainers at JKC are extremely knowledgeable. I feel like they are as dedicated to my success as I am. The workouts are tailored to me, my skills and my goals. This is important. Jon and Thomas truly want the best for their clients no matter what level of fitness they are starting from. I also like being able to book a session at a time that suits my schedule. This also helps keep me accountable. Once the session is booked I am not likely to cancel!

I heard somewhere that achieving your health goals is determined largely by what you do in the kitchen. I am grateful to have found Julia who brought direction and accountability to this most important piece for me. Having Julia in my corner has brought me confidence and certainty that I am on my way to achieving my goals. I highly recommend her if you are serious about making a change and feeling better about your health.

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