JKConditioning, personal training
This exercise is great at challenging single leg hip stability while strengthening your posterior chain (hamstrings, gluteals and para-spinals) and abdominals (indirectly). Don’t be confused with the version where the weight is lifted off the floor between reps – that’s referred to as a Stiffleg Deadlift – two different exercises even though they look the same.  I’ll save that exercise for another post.

Dumbbells can be held in each hand or in just one hand (same side as the leg that is going up – more challenge to the abdominals).  A barbell can also be held so more weight can be an option (as dumbbells only go so heavy).

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lift one leg slightly off the ground so that you’re now standing on one leg.
  • Puff out your chest and bring your shoulders back.  Slightly bend your stance leg.
  • Pretend you are in front of an audience and that you’re about to bow.  This is called the “hip hinge” and is pivotal in performing this exercise correctly.
  • As you slowly start to lean forward, simultaneously lift your opposite leg.  Pretend it’s connected with your shoulder so that if you bow “so much”, your leg will lift “so much.”
  • DON’T squat with your stance leg – keep that leg slightly bent throughout the exercise.
  • Keep lifting that leg and keep bowing.
  • Think of reaching for the wall behind you with your lifting leg’s heel.
  • Stay flat in your hips and shoulders – keep square with the ground.
  • At the end position (as in the picture above) you should have a flat torso position and should feel tremendous tension in your stance leg’s hamstring.  If you don’t, something is probably wrong.  Don’t round your back by “loosening” the muscles along your spine.  Stay straight!
  • Keep that neutral spine and your shoulders back.  Your chest should still be puffed out, even in this bottom position.  From the side, your body should form a capitol “T.”
  • Bring your mid-air leg down as you stand up.
  • That’s one rep.

I like doing sets of 5-8 with my runners depending on the time of year; also, depending on the week, I’ll typically get them to perform 2-5 sets in a given workout.

That’s a wrap.

Thanks for reading and run strong,


I started strength training at JKC in the Spring of 2021. I am in my 60’s but happy to say I feel much younger since joining this gym. I joined JKC upon the advice of a doctor. I went through some difficult medical issues last year, that’s when one of my doctors recommended strength training at JKC. I have been physically active most of my adult life but mainly running and completed many road races as I am a distance runner. Strength training has definitely benefited me by increasing my stamina and energy. It sure has enhanced my recovery over the past year. I have the added benefit of becoming a stronger runner as well.

I have never previously seen the passion and level of care that Jon and Thomas bring to everyone who works out at JKC. Their knowledge, insight and skills are extraordinary, and they work with everyone individually to ensure the best possible results. The attention to detail and to every person’s specific requirements and goals, and the incredible, constant encouragement they provide, is, in my opinion, what truly distinguishes JKC from any other program in which I’ve participated. I am extremely pleased with the progress I’ve achieved thus far, and it’s largely attributable to Jon and Thomas and the approach they take to training and working with people.

I joined JKC because I wanted to better care for my physical health, but didn’t really know how, or where, to begin.  Seeking help from a trainer seemed like a wise choice, and I had heard great things about the staff at JKC. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate exercising.  So, I’ve only ever tried sticking with a gym routine twice in my life.  Each experience consisted of me wandering around, not knowing what to do, and settling for an elliptical machine or something else that seemed comfortable and non-threatening.  Each session was the same, and I felt like I was wasting my time.

Each session at JKC, however, is specifically crafted for me.  I don’t have to think about what to do, because I’m told what to do.  I don’t have to worry about how to do things properly, because I’m shown (sometimes multiple times!) how to accomplish each task.  I don’t have to be concerned about slipping into a comfortable routine, because Jon and Thomas won’t let that happen.

I had spent a fair bit of time in gyms in my teens and twenties but I turned away from the gym to focus on activities that I enjoyed more. What keeps me at JKC is that I do really enjoy it. I always feel that I’ve accomplished something when I leave at the end of my workout. The environment is really positive and focused on challenging yourself whatever your level of comfort and fitness. I’ve also seen results that I’m really happy with; having someone who really knows what they’re talking about to guide your workouts makes them way more effective and focused than just “going to the gym”.

Shortly after I started at JKC, I sustained a fairly major injury that took me off my feet for several months. When I started to get back to activity, it was very difficult. Jon and Thomas worked hard to tailor my workouts to my goals and what I could do. With their help, I’ve been steadily building back strength and function.

JKC was recommended by a previous trainer who followed Jon online. He thought Jon’s approach to training was excellent. JKC employs well educated trainers who are very particular about technique and form. I have never injured myself because the trainers know what they are doing. They can always answer any questions I ask about my training. As well the trainers are friendly contributing to a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at the gym.

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