No traditional gym equipment required for this full body workout…only a piece of luggage!

By Jon-Erik Kawamoto, MSc, CSCS, CEP

Well, we’re still stuck at home and many are looking for home workout ideas. In addition to our 2 Dumbbell Home Workout and Full Body Band Workout, here’s a full body home workout you can do in your living room, all with a large piece of luggage. Fill it with clothes, zip it up and here we go!

The Workout

This workout is designed to be performed 1-2x/week. You’ll do all 5 exercises in a row with minimal rest in between.

Exercise #1 – Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunge

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Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunge Start
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Alternating Overhead Reverse Lunge Bottom

How – Hold the piece of luggage overhead with your arms straight. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Take a large step back and land on your big toe joint. Bend your knee as you kneel toward the floor. Gently touch the floor with your knee and push off your rear leg and push down with your front foot to return to standing. Alternate sides. Make sure to keep your arms straight throughout the set. 

Do – 15 reps per side

Exercise #2 – 2 Point Luggage Row

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2 Point Row Start
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2 Point Row Top

How – Stand with your feet hip width apart, soften your knees and bend over at your hips. Keep your back flat and abs braced. Grab the side loop on the piece of luggage and put your opposite arm straight as if pushing onto a workout bench. Brace your abs and keep your torso still and row the bag up. Squeeze your shoulder toward your opposite hip. Lower the bag but don’t touch the floor. 

Do – 15 reps per side

Exercise #3 – Front Loaded Good Morning

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Front Loaded Good Morning Start
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Front Loaded Good Morning Bottom

How – Stand with your feet hip width apart and cradle the bag in your arms in front of your chest. Soften your knee and bend over at your hips. Keep your back flat and abs braced. Bend to a 90-degree hip angle and notice tension in your hamstrings. Return to standing and squeeze your glutes.

Do – 15 reps

Exercise #4 – Half Kneeling Luggage Overhead Press

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Half-Kneeling Overhead Press Start
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Half-Kneeling Overhead Press Top

How – Kneel on one knee with your opposite leg in front. Form a 90-degree angle at your front knee, get tall and hold the bag in front of your chest with your elbows pointing down. Brace your abs and squeeze your glute on the kneeling leg. Press the bag overhead and stack your wrists over your shoulders. Move your head back and return the weight to your chest. 

Do – 10 reps per knee

Exercise #5 – Luggage Weighted Leg-V Sit-Up 

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Leg-V Sit-Up Start
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Leg-V Sit-Up Top

How – Lie with your back on the ground and your legs open in the shape of a “V.” Hold the bag in front of your chest. Use your abs to sit up. Sit to a tall posture and support the bag with your elbows pointing down. Slowly lie back down using your abs. When you sit up, do not lift your legs.

Do – 15 reps

Once you finish 1 round, take 90-seconds rest and start over. Do 5 total sets.

Have fun with this home workout. Remember, try and do 5 total sets and feel free to do this workout 1-3x/week.

Jon-Erik Kawamoto, MSc, CSCS, CSEP is a Strength and Conditioning Coach, Co-owner and Founder of JKConditioning. With 15 years in the industry and over 10 years as a freelance fitness writer, Jon has helped many change their lives through fitness. To inquire about coaching, workshops, presentations or writing, you can contact him through our Contact Us page. (photo credit: Jim Mullowney Photography)

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JKC was recommended to me by my good friend Casidhe Dyke. Cas had been training with JKC for a while, and both he and his father had seen great results from the personal training that Jon and Thomas were giving them. I was and still am primarily a triathlete and I’ve always struggled with injuries. I was talking to Cas about incorporating more strength training in my program to try and prevent injuries going forward and Cas suggested that I give JKC a try. I reached out to Jon not long after, and the rest is history! After working with Jon and Thomas for a few months, I was getting stronger, faster, and most importantly, I was staying injury-free. I ended up being able to train the whole season without significant injury and posted a personal best at Ironman Copenhagen in 2018. A big part of that was due to the strength training and coaching I received at JKC.

I originally chose JKC to help me rehab following back surgery. JKC was the first gym where a trainer took the time to help me identify my goals and tailor my workouts to achieve them in a safe and doable manner. 🏋🏼 Jon & Thomas are both highly professional and knowledgeable. 👨🏼‍🎓 With their guidance and informative explanations 🗣 they have enabled me to reach my ever evolving goals. At JKC I’m guaranteed fun 😆, interesting 🙃 and diverse workouts, with Jon & Thomas forever supportive and encouraging. 👏🙌👍👊

cas dyke

I started training at JKC in 2016 because I had built up a number of muscle imbalances from old injuries and activities like rock climbing which had led to some really bad posture and mobility issues. On top of that some friends had convinced me to sign up for a half-ironman. Working with Jon and Thomas was a way to pull my body back into alignment and make sure it wouldn’t fall apart during my race. The staff at JKC pride themselves on continuously advancing their knowledge, which leads to new and inventive way to address problems, old and new. I got my Dad to start training here and recommended JKC to all looking to improve their strength and fitness.

I chose JKC originally to help prevent rowing injuries. I’m a rower and we won the St. John’s Regatta in 2019 but I rowed through a rib stress fracture and missed significant time in the boat during the racing season. Training at JKC consistently since the pandemic helped me stay injury free this year and made me the strongest I’ve ever felt, which helped me help my team win the 2021 St. John’s Regatta! Jon adds variety and mixes the exercises up well so that the workout goes by quickly and strength is gained. The gym is very personable and I like the eclectic mix of people that are there. JKC is much more intimate and personal than other gyms.

Tara Rector-Whelan

Personal Strength Training by Thomas King

I started at JKC after a good friend recommended it to me. She had been coming for about a year and I was envious of her great results. I felt sluggish after failing to motivate myself with various home workout routines. I love the fun and relaxed atmosphere at JKC. It’s such a comfortable gym space and I enjoy knowing so many of the people I work out with. Jon and Thomas make an effort to introduce everyone to each other and with all the joking around,  it starts to feel like a family. Not to mention the awesome results. I’ve always liked to run on a treadmill but I’ve never had the drive to lift weights on my own. Going to JKC makes me accountable which was what I really needed. I feel so much stronger and healthier than I did 4 years ago when I started.

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