A brand new study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology looked at the neuromuscular adaptations during combined strength and endurance training in endurance runners (Taipale, Mikkola, Vesterinen, Nummela & Hakkinen, 2012).

This study is out of the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland.

This study compared the effects of 1) mixed maximal strength training & explosive strength training with 2) maximal (not mixed) strength training & 3) explosive strength training when combined with endurance training (running).

Subjects, study design and training

The intervention took place over 8-weeks. All subjects (n=37) were male recreational endurance runners (21-45 years in age) and were divided into 4-groups:

  • maximal strength training (MAX) (n=11)
  • explosive (EXP) (n=10)
  • mixed maximal & explosive (MIX) (n=9)
  • circuit training control group (CON) (n=7)

The subjects had no previous strength training experience aside from a 6-week period of preparatory training (consisting of 50 to 70% 1 repetition maximum – 1RM), which was completed prior to the strength training intervention.

The Intervention(s)

Strength training (and circuit training) was performed 1 to 2-times per week (supervised); whereas, endurance (running) training was performed 3 to 4-times per week. Endurance sessions (heart rate monitored) were performed on non-strength training days at an intensity below lactate threshold (pre-determined).

Endurance training volume was (in km and individualized based on training background and current fitness level):

  • 42.6 + 30.5 for MAX
  • 40.7 + 30.5 for EXP
  • 33.0 + 28.5 for MIX
  • 25.5 + 22.0 for CON

Total endurance training time per week was 5:38 + 0.56 hours; therefore, the researches were able to claim relative volume and intensity was similar.

Strength and explosive sessions were preceded with 20 to 30-minutes of low-intensity cardio and warm-up sets with sub maximal loads (squat and leg press exercise). 2 to 3-minutes break was given in between exercise sets for all the three strength and/or explosive training groups.

The circuit training group (control) performed a circuit of body weight squats, pushups, lunges, sit-ups, toe raises, back-ups, planks and step-ups in series – 45-sec work followed by 15-sec rest during the first 4 weeks and 50-sec work followed by 10-sec rest in the last 4-weeks. The researchers claim that this protocol was meant to improve muscular endurance, not strength.


Measurements included body composition, aerobic capacity, isometric leg press strength, 1RM horizontal leg press, countermovement jump, EMG, and serum hormones.



Significant increases were seen in maximal dynamic strength (1RM), countermovement jump performance (power measure) and maximal muscle activation during the 1RM in the maximal strength training group.

Countermovement jump improved significantly in the explosive training group. Peak running speed and running speed at respiratory compensation threshold improved significantly in the maximal strength training group, explosive training group and mixed maximal & explosive training groups without a significant change in VO2-max or running economy.

Despite the fact that no improvements were made to VO2-max and running economy, the researchers indicate that improvements in peak running speed and running speed at respiratory compensation threshold still suggest improvements in endurance performance.

The significant changes in strength (1RM) and power (countermovement jump) were primarily observed during the first 4-weeks of the intervention and plateaued over the final 4-weeks – the researches attribute this plateau to the fact that the subjects participated in a 6-week pre-intervention strength training protocol (therefore, 10-weeks of strength training). The researches note that the improvements in strength over the 8-week period only averaged 3.5% – relatively low compared to inexperienced subjects participating in a strength-training-only intervention (10 to 20% increases are normally seen in this population).

No significant changes were seen in maximal isometric strength (isometric leg press) and muscle activation, rate of force development, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2) and running economy (at 10 and 12-km/hour).

“Improvements in strength and power appear to be highly individual, thus performing the more diverse mixture of maximal and explosive strength training in a way that meets individual needs may be more effective than maximal or explosive strength training combined with endurance training alone.”
Taipale et al.

In the circuit training control group, no significant changes were observed in maximal isometric strength, rate of force development, running economy, countermovement jump performance or muscle activation. Actually, a significant decrease in 1RM was seen in the final 4-weeks of training. This implies that the circuit training combined with the endurance training was not enough of a training stimulus to maintain or improve maximal strength. However, significant improvements were seen in peak running speed, running speed at respiratory compensation threshold and VO2-max. Due to the aerobic nature of circuit training, the researchers suggest that this may be a reason why this group saw an improvement in VO2-max (remember, they were only recreational runners; therefore, instead of doing only 4 aerobic workouts per week, they were actually doing 6 if you include the circuit training sessions).

The researchers state that low volume maximal strength training, explosive training or mixed maximal strength training & explosive training, when combined with a high(er) volume endurance (running) training program over an 8-week intervention period resulted in significant gains in strength, power and endurance performance measures (peak running speed & running speed at respiratory compensation threshold). The researchers add that these 3 protocols appear to be more effective than circuit training at increasing and maintaining maximal strength and explosive power. Muscle hypertrophy was not taken into account in this study; however, the researchers suggest that early adaptations (neural) caused by maximal strength and explosive-type training might explain the improvements seen in muscle activation during the dynamic 1RM (maximal strength training group) and countermovement jump (explosive training group).

The take home message(s)

Strength training can be attributed to either an increase in muscle cross sectional area and/or via neuromuscular acclimations (obviously, we know which result you runners want). Previous studies have linked strength training (in combination with endurance-type training) with improved performance economy (e.g. running and cross country skiing) in both males and females and in trained and un-trained populations.

Performance economy essentially means improvement in voluntary muscle activation (leading to increases in strength and power production), which is associated with an increase in speed and reduced oxygen consumption (cost).

Circuit training with body weight exercises (and no explosive exercises) does not appear to be helpful for improving overall strength and running speed. It can be extrapolated that the weight used (body weight) was not enough of a training stimulus to elicit improvements in strength. However, circuit training may improve aerobic capacity in runners with a lower VO2-max; therefore, benefiting their running.

Mixed strength training and explosive training, strength training alone and explosive training alone appear to be helpful in improving overall strength and power development in runners (recreational only running less than lactate threshold). Unfortunately, most running programs for runners incorporate higher paced running (greater than lactate threshold) to elicit improvements in the aerobic system. It would have been interesting to see how this type of strength training breakdown (MAX, EXP, MIX) would apply to those running with a higher running volume and to those who also incorporate more faster paced running.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found this info helpful.



Taipale, R.S., Mikkola, J., Vesterinen, V., Nummela, A., and Hakkinen, K. (2012). Neuromuscular adaptations during combined strength and endurance training in endurance runners: Maximal versus explosive strength training or a mix of both. Eur J of Appl Phys. Epub ahead of print.

photo credit: midiman via photopin cc

Tara Rector-Whelan

Personal Strength Training by Thomas King

I started at JKC after a good friend recommended it to me. She had been coming for about a year and I was envious of her great results. I felt sluggish after failing to motivate myself with various home workout routines. I love the fun and relaxed atmosphere at JKC. It’s such a comfortable gym space and I enjoy knowing so many of the people I work out with. Jon and Thomas make an effort to introduce everyone to each other and with all the joking around,  it starts to feel like a family. Not to mention the awesome results. I’ve always liked to run on a treadmill but I’ve never had the drive to lift weights on my own. Going to JKC makes me accountable which was what I really needed. I feel so much stronger and healthier than I did 4 years ago when I started.

I was looking for something to augment my 20+ year yoga practice with a focus on strength conditioning. I am friend’s with Jon’s sister in-law and over the years always heard great things about JKC, especially with respect to the top quality trainers they have and programs they run. After talking to Jon about my goals, and hearing his thoughts on a training plan, I knew that this was going to be an awesome experience … and it sure has been. JKC stands out from other gyms because of the attention to detail, the high quality of the staff and the facilities. Also, the amazing people that train there. And no one posing and taking selfies. I’m 41 years old and I started in Dec 2021.

I heard really good things about it from my sister, and I could see the positive results she was getting.  I needed to do something.  I was overweight, depressed, and recovering from a back injury.  I had reached a point where simply getting up out of a chair was becoming difficult.  I knew that if I didn’t do something about it my senior years would be very burdensome to the people close to me.  I’m so glad I did!  After just a few weeks my day-to-day pain was drastically reduced, and my mobility increased. I had the confidence to try sea kayaking, and I now play ice hockey twice a week!

The key difference is the expertise.  The trainers know the gym equipment and the exercises, but they also have degrees in kinesiology, and can apply what they know to your workout.  As someone who was in poor physical condition starting out, I was worried about hurting myself.  Previously I tried an outdoor weekly bootcamp and injured my knee by pushing too hard.  The trainers at JKC constructed a program that started at the right level for me, evolving it as I grew stronger and more fit.  I feel well looked after.

I am turning 67 next month and I started my journey with JKC in 2018. Seven years ago I experienced significant foot pain which had a negative impact on my day to day activities. I learned that issues in other parts of the body need to be addressed to achieve a positive result. My doctor (Dr. Jessica Wade) suggested, along with some other therapies, that I could  benefit from the conditioning JKC had to offer. I previously had not trained in any gym. I observed how many gyms operated and had a sense that JKC would be more my style: training in a small group setting, having such personal attention, and a program meeting my specific needs is fantastic! I love the atmosphere at the gym. Everyone is accepted and you feel supported and comfortable.

I saw an article in Men’s Journal that quoted Jon in about 2018 while traveling and was impressed that someone in St. John’s made that international magazine.  Jon spoke about an exercise called the Farmer’s Walk and I started working that into my routine at the YMCA. I tore that article out of the magazine and kept it, meaning to make contact, but got busy. Then I had lunch with an old friend Bruce Dyke. I hadn’t seen Bruce for a while and I remarked that he looked super healthy and fit. He told me about his, and his son Cas’, experience at JKC and then I remembered the Men’s Journal article! No coincidences!

The experience is unique on many levels – great people, camaraderie, passion, purpose, and dedication. Jon and Thomas are attentive, precise and understanding.  Their teaching has unlocked a new perspective for me with what our bodies are capable of. I still appreciate the YMCA, wonderful place, but I can’t imagine working out without Jon and Thomas now.

As Seen On: