how to train your dragonIf you recall, I wrote a guest post for the Greatist back in the summer about the importance of GPP-type workouts. Twice a week, along with my regular “gym” sessions, I like to incorporate what I like to call Dragon Training. As you might know, I sell a t-shirt known as the JKC Dragon Tee, so the name Dragon Training is quite fitting. [the poster to the left should really say How to Train Your Inner Dragon.]

Dragon Training is a high intensity workout that incorporates kettlebells, sandbags and sprinting. Yes, I made up the phase Dragon Training, but all gurus come up with their own systems right?? The goal of Dragon Training is to increase cardiovascular output and GPP using the tools I listed above. And who said cardiovascular workouts and resistance training had to be separated anyway? Trust me – explosive kettlebell exercises plus full body sandbag exercises plus sprinting equals a very sweaty t-shirt.

Here’s the template for a Dragon Training session:

  • 1) Sandbag Exercise 8-10 reps (zero sec rest)
  • 2) KB Exercise 20-25 reps (zero sec rest)
  • 3) Sprint 3-5 reps (60 sec rest)

Repeat for 5-10 rounds depending on how much time you have. Using the template, choose your exercises below.

Sandbag Exercises:


  • -Sandbag Clean
  • -Sandbag Clean to Zercher Squat
  • -Sandbag Clean to Reverse Lunge
  • -Sandbag Clean to Lateral Lunge
  • -Sandbag Clean to Over-shoulder Toss
  • -Sandbag Over the Shoulder Clean
  • -Sandbag Split Stance Clean
  • -Sandbag Clean to Push Press
  • -Sandbag Clean High Pull
  • -Sandbag Snatch High Pull
  • -Sandbag Rotational Lunge

KB Exercises


  • -2-hand KB Swing
  • -Double KB Swing
  • -KB Clean
  • -Double KB Clean
  • -KB Snatch
  • -Double KB Snatch
  • -KB Clean to Push Press
  • -KB Clean to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Push Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Front Squat
  • -Double KB Clean to Front Squat to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Reverse Lunge



  • -flat sprint (10-15 sec; jog back recovery)
  • -hill sprint (10-15 sec; jog back recovery)
  • -AirDyne sprint (15-30 sec; easy peddling recovery)

So here’s a sample week that incorporates Dragon Training:

Monday – Full Body Gym Workout
Tuesday – Dragon Training
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Full Body Gym Workout
Friday – Dragon Training
Saturday – Full Body Gym Workout
Sunday – Rest

So, it depends how well you can recover between workouts and how busy you are. I like to fit in one or two of these type of workouts per week…and no it’s not Crossfit. As Hamilton Nolan says on Gawker [The Problem(s) with Crossfit – one of the funniest articles I’ve ever read]:

“You can’t trademark working out, you f***ers. Doing burpees or overhead squats or 400 meter runs followed by handstand pushups does not mean you’re “doing Crossfit.” You’re just working out. You don’t own that shit. You bastards.”

So train your inner dragon with Dragon Training – you owe it to yourself.

Thanks for reading,


I’m 35 and I started at JKC in November of 2019. I was coming off the win of the Royal St. John’s Regatta in 2019, and our crew was chomping at the bit to be stronger and faster for 2020. The reputation of JKC leached into our group and away we went! Unfortunately the regatta was cancelled due to COVID-19, but I just loved JKC so much I stuck around. JKC is different from other gyms because the level of experience the team has is unparalleled. Jon, Thomas and Craig all mesh well together and mentor me in a way that I know they love what they do and are genuinely excited to guide me towards my goals (and beyond). I really enjoy the atmosphere, the sense of community and all the positive vibes that I experience in every session. There’s never a time I don’t want to go because I’m motivated by the team’s coaching style and I get results.

Courtney Sharpe

Nutritional Coaching by Julia Howard

For the past two months I have worked with the JKC team and have never felt better! In addition to a personal fitness plan, JKC’s holistic nutritionist, Julia, worked with me and around my busy schedule to educate me on healthier food options and meal planning. I maintain a daily food log which Julia reviews and provides feedback on and we also have weekly chats to discuss my nutritional goals and potential improvement areas. Julia also helped me to identify and work around dietary constraints which have caused digestion issues for years!

Julia and the rest of the JKC family have helped me get my confidence back! I love starting my days with a good sweat and a healthy breakfast. I understand what foods make me feel my best and my body is well on its way to becoming more lean, fit and happy! I would totally recommend Julia and the entire JKC team!

I saw an article in Men’s Journal that quoted Jon in about 2018 while traveling and was impressed that someone in St. John’s made that international magazine.  Jon spoke about an exercise called the Farmer’s Walk and I started working that into my routine at the YMCA. I tore that article out of the magazine and kept it, meaning to make contact, but got busy. Then I had lunch with an old friend Bruce Dyke. I hadn’t seen Bruce for a while and I remarked that he looked super healthy and fit. He told me about his, and his son Cas’, experience at JKC and then I remembered the Men’s Journal article! No coincidences!

The experience is unique on many levels – great people, camaraderie, passion, purpose, and dedication. Jon and Thomas are attentive, precise and understanding.  Their teaching has unlocked a new perspective for me with what our bodies are capable of. I still appreciate the YMCA, wonderful place, but I can’t imagine working out without Jon and Thomas now.

I had signed up for other gyms in the past and never went or rarely went. Something always got in the way or I was just too tired and lacked motivation to go. This way I’ve made a commitment to Jon or Thomas and I try very hard to keep my sessions once I’ve booked in. JKC is different from other gyms that I’ve tried in the past because no one is there to be “seen”. We are all there to get a good workout in and go on with our lives. And it’s a small gym so you get to know everyone and it’s like a big family. When I joined JKC, I couldn’t do a chin up with an elastic band, but I’ve slowly worked up to 10 free hanging chin ups. That was big because I hate chin ups.

I chose JKC because I was looking for something different. I’ve seen and done the trendy workout programs before, I was looking for something that I knew I could see myself still doing a year from now! JKC has a lot of clients that have been going for years. That was a huge motivator for me! The small group coaching sessions are great and I really enjoy the format. It’s nice having 2-4 people working-out with you during your session. The camaraderie is great, everyone is very upbeat and positive – zero gym judgment!

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