jon-erik kawamoto personal trainer

Below is a guest blog post from a good friend of mine and fellow colleague, Chad Landers.

After over 20 years in the personal training business, I’ve come to realize that many people still have problems achieving their personal fitness goals. While this is good for my business, the vast majority of people will be training on their own without a trainer. So it’s with these folks in mind that I’m writing this guest blog for Jon.

Regardless of the goal (fat loss, muscle gain, or performance), I believe there are a few commonalities to the lack of results the average trainee experiences.

Here are my top 5:

1. Trying to create the perfect workout

While knowledge is a great thing, many trainees experience “analysis paralysis”. The internet age has made this a bigger problem than ever before.

Simply put, there is too much information available. We are constantly being bombarded by the latest tips, tricks and secrets to six-pack abs or buns of steel. And it all sounds good!

The result of this information overload is generally an over-complicated, convoluted, impossible to maintain program. By the time you’ve sprinkled in a little of program A with a dash of program B to an already too long program C, the resulting workout is a Frankenstein-like behemoth that takes too long to get through. You’re going to lose your mind for sure!

Do yourself a favor…pick one program that fits your goals and sensibilities and don’t add anything to it!

2. Program Hopping

Similar to the above advice, once you’ve picked a program, STICK TO IT!

Your program may be perfect, but you need to give it time to actually let the results come to fruition. The old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to mind.

I think most people worry too much about a program becoming stale. Stick to a program for the length of time the creator of the program suggests. This could be as little as 4 weeks or as long as a few months.

3. Forgetting the Basics

With a plethora of YouTube videos, exercise books and fitness DVD’s all around, it’s easy to fall prey to a “newer is better” mentality. Cool gadgets and intense-sounding routines with never-before-seen exercise secrets can be seductive, but they pale in comparison to old standbys like squats, deadlifts, bench presses and pull-ups.

There are many variations of these lifts that you can apply to help counter the boredom that can arise from doing the same exercises all the time. But remember the 80/20 rule: 80% of your results are going to come from 20% of the exercises you use. Make sure the basics are your 20% foundation.

4. Lack of Intensity

Intensity simple means how hard you are training. Everyone (except perhaps CrossFitters) seems to be concerned with overtraining, when in fact, they are more likely undertraining.

If my years in the public gym setting taught me anything, it’s that far too many people go through the motions when they are at the gym. They do the same workout routine with the same weights week in and week out and wonder why they aren’t making progress. It’s simply not enough just to show up (although there are days when just showing up is what matters!)

Intensity can be achieved by lifting more weight, lifting the same weight for more sets or reps (called “volume”), decreasing rest periods, and even lifting a weight faster (only appropriate for certain exercises).

5. Lack of Progression

Closely linked to Intensity, progression simply means that you are trying to get better.

Progression is not always linear (in fact, except in rank beginners, it’s rarely linear), but it does have to be a goal.

Again, think more weight, sets, reps; and/or less rest. Also experiment with more difficult exercises and routines as you master the current ones. (But remember number 3…the basics should always be a cornerstone of your program.)

In closing, if you find your training has lost its mojo, it’s time to re-boot. Pick a sound training plan based in the “big” exercises from an expert in the field (might I suggest Jon) and stick to it! Focus on INTENSITY & PROGRESSION and take your results to new levels!


jon-erik kawamoto fitness coach

Facebook: Chad Landers
Twitter: Chad Landers

photo credit: istolethetv via photopin cc

My original reason for joining JKC was to get some sage advice to help with my running. I had been looking for awhile, came across Jon, met for an assessment, and was quite happy with how that all went. Apart from the running specific strengthening and conditioning approaches, JKC is different from other gyms as I am a fan of the small group sessions where everyone has their own goals and individualized programs. As well, the run coaching is super. All the coaches go the extra mile to make sure you get the best out each training session. They are fantastic motivators! My favourite memory is deadlifting 330lbs. Making a lot of great friends and meeting some really cool people is pretty high up on that list, too.

trap bar deadlift

A few of my wonderful friends and colleagues recommended JKC. I was told by one colleague that “It’ll be the best thing you ever do for yourself” and she was right! To be honest, I didn’t have much experience in any gym setting. And NO prior weight training experience. It was always so overwhelming! But from the first day, nothing was intimidating about JKC. Each workout is set up just for me, and with my specific skills and goals in mind. There are no stupid questions, you learn as you go, and what I really love, I always feel included and important, regardless of my skills/experience.

A few years ago, I pinched a nerve in my neck which led me to be stationary as any form of movement would cause extreme pain. During this time, my fiancé (Sean) started at JKC and loved it!! Once I overcame the nerve issue, Sean spent a long time trying to convince me that JKC is exactly what I needed to safely start working out again (I’m slightly stubborn and was super scared of re-pinching the nerve). Long story short, Sean was right… as much as I hate to admit it!

I never had luck at gyms, if it started to hurt I would call it a day. At JKC that is not an option, as Jon & Thomas will push you to finish the workout, whether you want to or not! Working out in a group setting is also a big benefit of working out at JKC, if you’re not feeling motivated you can simply feed off of someone else’s energetic vibes.

I’ve always been a gym rat, but was getting tired of the same ol’ routine. My better half was attending JKC and encouraged me to try it out. My favourite part of JKC is that is isn’t a gym – it’s a community. Jon and Thomas are awesome, and I love that every time I go I know who’s working out with me and we can socialize while working on our health. Everyone is supportive, encouraging and genuinely looks out for one another. It’s an upbeat and positive experience and I can honestly say that I look forward to each and every workout.

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